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Electoral Commission of Ghana "Kalabule".... Dr. H. Kwame Afaglo Blast.

 Electoral Commission of Ghana  "Kalabule".... Dr. H. Kwame Afaglo Blast.

Following an earlier post regarding this title, it is clear per the currency exchange rate reason given by the Electoral Commissioner (EC) to organize the elections this December 2020 in Ghana (Ogyakrom), that:

 They have no determined pricing mechanism;

 They are only in to fleece the presidential and parliamentary candidates;

They are oblivious of the economic indicators of the country;

They have a clear agentry of preventing other suitable candidates the opportunity to present themselves to be elected;

They are selective and dangerous bias in a country that upholds universal adult suffrage.

If the Deputy EC in the person of Dr. Bossman needs to know, he is towing the path of public deceit and manipulation of which is a crime against democracy that he may have thought years in the university before being appointed to this policing office.

Firstly, the whole process and wares for the elections has been paid for by the state as part of the EC budget as approved by parliament of Ghana.

Hence there is no need to charge any prospective candidate who is a duly certified tax payer over the years by Ghana Revenue Authority.  As this act is synonymous to taxing one twice or double taxation which is a crime.

Secondly, the whole process of this December 2020 elections of Ogyakrom is wholly operated by indigenous business and indigenes, therefore the EC’s pointing to currency exchange rate as their reason d’etat for increasing filing fees is deceitful or a figment of their imagination if not an open insult to the integrity of the Ghanaian tax payer.

Thirdly, if their intention is to use high amounts of fees as an entry barrier then, they have infringed on universal adult suffrage and been ingenious to Ghanaians who deserve quality leadership but not an *’ability to purchase the president position and parliamentary positions’*.

Generally, for the country to select the most suitable leader, it must be given the opportunity of a large poll of *interested persons who want to serve the country*, and not a high financial entry barrier that may further entrench the duopoly of NDC, NPP and depriving the country of quality leadership from maybe some individuals as independent candidates.

Once the entry barrier to become a presidential or parliamentary candidate in Ogyakrom elections are as high as GH¢100,000.00 (US$18,000.00) and GH¢10,000.00 (US$1,800.00) respectively while the average annual salary is GH¢9,600.00 (US$1,745.00), it presupposes that a working class individual is alienated from leadership in governance. 

This singular act deepens and perpetuates the cleavage between the governing class and the governed class, of which is dangerously festering an entropy awaiting critical timing.

Ideally, due to the deception and manipulative reason d’etat given by the EC Dr. Bossman, the new filing fees of GH¢100,000.00 for presidential candidate must be suspended to be replaced with a system that is encouraging many more political leadership aspirants.

Further, it is inappropriate for the EC (a state actor) to be deceptive, if so s/he must be investigated and sanctioned to restore ethics in public service.

Beside the EC other state actors in Ogyakrom are used to fleecing the publics and this must be brought up for corrective measures being the public universities, Ghana Police Services and Ghana Armed Forces and their sale of Application forms. 

Else the public service of Ogyakrom is loosing its ethics and soon it would champion the corrupt practices of the country instead of being the torch bearers and policing agencies.


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