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Showing posts from April, 2020

COVID-19: GHS Must Begin Showing Real Time Corona-virus Infection, Growth, Recovery And Death Data Instead Of The 5 Days Post Event Publication

COVID-19: GHS Must Begin Showing Real Time Corona-virus Infection, Growth, Recovery And Death Data Instead Of The 5 Days Post Event Publication             WRITTEN BY Dr. H. Kwame Afaglo . Being plagued with presenting inaccurate or massage data for decades in unemployment numbers, real inflation rate and real cost of living to name a few, is a major cause of worry, especially during this COVID-19 (corolla-virus) pandemic months. This is the time when mathematicians need the real time data cum factual infection rate to engage formulae for a parabolic curve generation, they can not get and what is available is deceptive out of the data massaging plague acquired by Ghanaian officials. A dumbbell shape or parabolic curve is the nature of corona-virus affection, I will indicate, while in countries with reoccurrence records an 'S-curve' would be their preferred option.  It is an established fact that the baby beast corona-virus infests at an exponential rate, but th

National Lottory Authority Officially Takes Over *959# Short Code

National Lottory Authority Officially Takes Over *959# Short Code The National Lottery Authority(NLA) has finally  taken over the running of *959# Short Code purposefully for the operations of Original 5/90 Lotto, the flagship Product of the Authority. The *959# was previously managed by Keed Ghana Limited, one of the collaborators of the Authority responsible for the operations of LUCKY 3. The National Lottery Authority(NLA) through consensus and continuous engagement with Keed Ghana Limited, MTN, Vodafone and AirtelTigo has finally taken full control of the *959#. *959# would be used for the continuous operations of the Original 5/90 Lotto via MTN, Vodafone and AirtelTigo. The National Lottery Authority(NLA) is fully committed to the Government vision of Digitization and Digitalization Programme. After a very careful assessment, the *959# has proven to be a very Robust Short Code and one of the best in Online Gaming Lottery Platforms. We are therefore urging the Sta

Patriotic Youth In Posts Congratulates Akufo-Addo For Saying Goodbye To NDC's Valentina Mintah And Company West Blue Limited

Patriotic Youth In Posts Congratulates Akufo-Addo For Saying Goodbye To NDC's Valentina Mintah And Company West Blue Limited. Patriotic Youth In Ports (PYP) congratulates the government of His Excellency Nana Akufo-Addo for not renewing the expired contract of West Blue Limited. The company is manned by Mrs. Valentina Mintah, a member of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and was birthed by former First Lady Lordina Mahama and her husband John Mahama. This is a company that made some five financiers of the New Patriotic Party(NPP) to loose their jobs at the ports under former President John Dramani Mahama’s administration. Many PYP members in their hundreds were then sacked from work at the ports to go home. It was painful but we continued to work for the party’s interest and by the grace of God victory came to us and we are in government since 2017. We cannot go to the same company for reemployment. Now a better company called Ghana Link has brought a be

Akufo-Addo's Government has Reduce the Suffering of Ghanaians.... CVM

Akufo-Addo's Government has Reduce the Suffering of Ghanaians....CVM Between 2009 and 2016, Ghanaians were really suffering from the hands of the  incompetent NDC Administration. The harsh economic conditions experienced by Ghanaians caused them to give an embarrassed defeat to John Mahama's Administration in the 2016 General Elections.  True to  the expectations of Ghanaians, President Akufo-Addo through prudent management of the Ghanaian economy has helped to: 1. *Reduce the suffering of Teachers* through: a) Prompt payment of salaries b)Payment of arrears for teachers c) Payment of research and book Allowances. 2. *Reduce the suffering of Teacher trainees* through restoration of Allowance for Teacher trainees. 3. *Reduce the suffering of Nurses* through employment of over 54,000 nurses. 4. *Reduce the suffering of Nursing trainees* through  restoration of Allowance for Nursing trainees. 5. *Reduce the suffering of Patients* through: a) Provision of

Robustness of *890# NLA Official Short Code is Matchless

Robustness of *890# NLA Official Short Code is Matchless The National Lottery Authority(NLA) Official Short Code *890# remains the safest and legal Platform to play your favourites NLA 5/90 and VAG Lotto Games via MTN, Vodafone and AirtelTigo during this period of Coronavirus pandemic. Support Government and the National Lottery Authority(NLA)  by playing responsibly through our Official Short Code *890#. The *890# is the only Platform with multiple Games of NLA 5/90 and VAG Lotto. Just within few days of the implementation of the NLA Official Short Code *890#, the access rate has been phenomenal.  A lot of players have won with instant prizes through their respective Mobile Money Accounts.  The robustness and transparency of the *890# Official Short Code is matchless. The National Lottery Authority(NLA) would like to urge the staking Public and our Lotto Marketing Companies to continue to play their favourites NLA 5/90 and VAG Lotto Games  via *890# via MTN, Vodafon

COVID-19: Sweet FM CEO/Frm MP Supports Twifo-Attimorkwaa District Health PPEs Worth 1.5 billion Old Cedis.

COVID-19: Sweet FM CEO/Frm MP  Supports Twifo-Attimorkwaa District Health PPEs Worth 1.5 billion Old Cedis Former Member of Parliament in the ticket of the NDC who double as the Chief Executive Officer CEO of Twifo Praso based radio station sweet FM, Hon. Dr Samuel Ato Amoah in conjunction with the NDC constituency chairman, Mr. Hakeem Adei has donated some Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) to Twifo-Attimorkwaa District Health Directorate and the Ghana Ambulance service in the district to curb the spread of the deadly Coronavirus pandemic. The items included; nose masks, surgical gloves, some quantities of protective clothing. The aforementioned gesture follows the rapid spread of the novel COVID-19 pandemic in Ghana, the district health directorate believed that, government and other benevolent organizations will come to their aid with Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) and other items. In an interview with, the former MP, Hon Dr Samuel Ato A

John Mahama; The Return of Kakistocracy and Corruptcracy

John Mahama; The Return of Kakistocracy and Corruptcracy . During the reigns of incompetent John Mahama, Ghanaians experienced the worst governance ever coupled with pandemic corruption,  dumsor, high inflation rate, high policy rate, cancellation of allowances for Teachers and Nurses trainees, poor roads, high cost of living, high cost of doing business, useless taxes amongst others. Everyone was suffering as the result of John Mahama's leadership crisis. The poorest of the poor including kayayei were all suffering under John Mahama's Kakistocracy and Corruptcracy.  The middle class and upper class including Paa Kwesi Amissah-Arthur were all suffering from the incompetency of John Mahama. Ghana lost a significant respect in the eyes of the Global Community. Thankfully, President Akufo-Addo and NPP Government has restored Ghana's respect globally. John Mahama wasted four precious years trying to address the challenges of Dumsor but was very unsuccessful be

Coronavirus Is A Spiritual Disease; Our Leaders Must Wake-up.....A Renowned Man Of God.

Coronavirus Is A Spiritual Disease; Our Leaders Must Wake-up.....A Renowned Man Of God A renowned man of God in the Bono Region, Prophet Dr. Godfred Agyekum Yesu has emphatically stated that, the COVID-19 pandemic is a spiritual malady which has come upon us as result of our sinful act. According to him, some sinful acts committed either by citizens or the country’s leaders are key reasons the virus has infiltrated the country’s borders.  In an exclusive interview with Odiasempa Kwaku Ahiaku of Twifo Praso based radio station sweet fm, Prophet Agyekum revealed that, the country as a matter of urgency needs spiritual intervention at this particular period. He therefore challenged the leadership of the country especially the president of the republic of Ghana His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akuffo-Addo to give him (prophet Agyekum) the mandate and he will take directives from God to cleanse the country of the pandemic. "God revealed to me since 2018 that Ghana will enc

NLA Wishes Ghanaians Happy Easter

NLA Wishes Ghanaians Happy Easter The National Lottery Authority(NLA) would like to wish all Staff, Lotto Marketing Companies and all our stakeholders, a Happy Easter. Let's take inspiration from Jesus Christ to be always patient and strong to overcome all challenges. Jesus Christ did not die for nothing. His Resurrection Power has enormous ability to defeat the Coronavirus pandemic(COVID-19). All we need to do is to activate the Resurrection Power of Jesus Christ as believers. Let all believers of Christ Jesus use this festive season to activate the Resurrection Power of Christ to transform their respective lives. Walking in the consciousness of Christ is mandatory for every Christian.  Faith without works is also meaningless, let us all equally observe the social distancing protocols as we celebrate the saviour of the World, Lord Jesus Christ.  Happy Easter to all Ghanaians. Stay Home; Observe Social Distancing; Stay Alive. *Issued by: Public Relations Unit o


COVID-19; GHANA REGISTERED NURSES AND MIDWIVES ASSOCIATION PAID WORKING VISIT TO ADAKLU DISTRICT   Adaklu Health Directorate  (Volta Regional) on the 8th April, 2020. The  Volta /Oti Region Registered Nurses and Midwives Association Chaiman Mr Anyigba and other Executives presented  sixty (60)pieces of hands Sanitizers to Adaklu health directorate to support the fight against  covid 19 in the district during the visit.  In a brief ceremony, the District Public Health Nurse Alornyo Anthoanette  who received the donation on behalf of the District Response Team for its remarkable gesture.  Speaking for the Association Mr Anyigba said it is  the responsibility of the Association to protect their members and the entire health workers against this  deadly infection . He assured them that the association will continue paying a working visit to the District. He again took this apportunity to acknowledge the district for protecting their members for providing some PPE's and hand sa

CORONAVIRUS; Twifo-Atimokwaa MP Donates Personal Protective Equipment To Health Directorate

CORONAVIRUS; Twifo-Atimokwaa MP Donates Personal Protective Equipment To Health Directorate .   Member of Parliament (MP) for Twifo-Atimokwaa Constituency in the central region who double as the Vice chairman of parliamentary select committee on Food, Agriculture and Cocoa affairs Hon. Abraham Dwuma Odoom  has presented some Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) to the health Directorate in his constituency as part of efforts to curb the continuous spread of the deadly Coronavirus. The equipment include Veronica buckets,  hand sanitisers, nose masks, gloves, liquid soap and other items. His intervention comes at a time Ghana has recorded about Two hundred and eighty seven (287) cases. In an interview with the media  after the presentation, Hon Odoom was optimistic that the equipment will go a long way to help members in the constituency fight the COVID-19. “The District Chief Executive, myself and the District Health Directorate have been talking a lot because we want zer

NLA Activates Operations of Official Short Code *890# to Mitigate Shortfall of Sales Due to Coronavirus Pandemic

NLA Activates Operations of Official Short Code *890# to Mitigate Shortfall of Sales Due to Coronavirus Pandemic The Coronavirus pandemic is greatly reducing the sales of National Lottery Authority (NLA). The Restrictions on Movement and Lockdown of Greater Accra, Greater Kumasi and Awutu Senya East Municipal Assembly (Kasoa) have immensely reduced sales of the Authority. The lockdown areas served as backbone of the National Lottery Authority (NLA) in terms of Sales. Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, Lotto Marketing Companies are unable to sell to the Staking Public. Therefore, to mitigate the shortfall of Sales, the Authority has activated its Official Short Code *890# to give opportunity to the Staking Public to play 5/90 and VAG Lotto Games via MTN, Vodafone and AirtelTigo. The National Lottery Authority(NLA) Official Short Code *890# would help to ensure the survival of the Authority in this difficult moments of Coronavirus pandemic. In this period of the  Coronaviru

Twifo-Atimokwaa Constituency NDC parliamentary Candidate Donates Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) To Several Communities.

Twifo-Atimokwaa Constituency NDC parliamentary Candidate Donates Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) To Several Communities NDC parliamentary candidate for Twifo-Atimokwaa Constituency of the central region Hon. David Kwadwo Vondee, has donated assorted items to Twifo Praso Government Hospital and traditional Leaders of several communities in the Twifo-Atimokwaa district of the central region to help in the fight against the COVID-19. Hon. Chief David Vondee donated Veronica buckets, hand sanitizers and plastic containers among others to the government hospital and some selected communities in the district on Tuesday. The delegation who joined hands in the distribution of the items include, the NDC Constituency Secretary, Former Member of Parliament in the name Hon. Ato Amoah, the Constituency chairman and other Constituency Executives urged the authorities to enforce the directives of the President as they will help curb the spread of the Coronavirus. Hon. Vondee re-ech